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The following is a link to a listing of bibliography
materials available at the James A. Rogers Library on the
Francis Marion University campus. Most of the titles will be
available at other libraries, as well. Bibliography of materials Links to Websites: The general content at the following links have been previewed by specialists in each area. Please keep in mind that websites are dynamic and content can change without warning. Always use multiple sources to verify information and be sure to include a trip to your local library in your research. Funding for professional services to verify sites was provided by the South Carolina Humanities Council. Political Science: 19th Century Documents:http://www.furman.edu/~benson/docs/ South Carolina Legal History Collection: http://law.sc.edu/library/research_aids/legal_history.shtml Modern Political Collections at the University of South Carolina: http://www.sc.edu/library/socar/mpc/index.html South Carolina Secession Declaration Debate: http://history.furman.edu/benson/docs/scdebate3.htm Presidents of the United States:http://www.ipl.org/div/potus/ Images of American Political History: http://bill.ballpaul.net/iaph/main.php American Political Development - A Bibliography for Teaching and Research:http://www.umsl.edu/~poldrobe/sy431bib.html *Reform in American History:http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/histryotln/reform.htm America in the 1930's:http://xroads.virginia.edu/~1930s/home_1.html The world in the 1930's timeline: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~1930s2/time/1930/1930fr.html History: Documenting the American South: http://docsouth.unc.edu/ South Carolina Department of Archives and History: http://scdah.sc.gov/ DPLS Archive: Slave Movement During the 18th and 19th Centuries: http://www.disc.wisc.edu/slavedata/ Encyclopedia Smithsonian: African American History and Culture: http://www.si.edu/Encyclopedia/Search African Americans and South Carolina: http://www.usca.edu/aasc/ *The experience of the African American soldier in the Civil War: http://www.awod.com/gallery/probono/cwchas/54ma.html South Carolina State Library - History and Culture: http://www.statelibrary.sc.gov/content/view/73/197/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=234&Itemid=595 South Carolina Historical Periods: http://www.sciway.net/hist/periods/ My History is American's History: http://www.myhistory.org/ South Carolina Historical Society - a wealth of genealogical and historical resources: http://www.schistory.org/ South Carolina History, Genealogy: http://www.sciway.net/hist/index.html African-Americans in South Carolina History: http://www.sciway.net/hist/people/africam.html South Carolina African American History Online: http://www.scafam-hist.org/ Cherokee Indians of South Carolina: http://www.sciway.net/hist/indians/cherokee.html Native American Indians, Chicora Tribe History: http://www.sciway.net/hist/indians/chicora.html Making of America: http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moagrp/ Sociology: Slave Narratives: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/wpa/wpahome.html This collection of first-person narratives by slave traders and slaves offers riveting reading, providing unique insights into the experiences of slave procurement, transport, and sale by the various partiies involved as well as slave life. Middle school students and above. History of American Agriculture/Farmers and the Land: http://www.agclassroom.org/gan/timeline/farmers_land.htm This pages provides a succinct summary of the change sin the farm population and acreage under cultivation in the U.S. All readers. Documenting the American South - The Church in the Southern Black Community:http://docsouth.unc.edu/church/ Part of Documenting the American South project, this digitized collection of 100 publications traces the outreach of white evangelical protestant churches, but emphasizes how black members and organizations transformed those structures and processes into the central institution in the lives of African-Americans. Secondary students and above. First-Person Narratives of the American South: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/ncuhtml/fpnashome.html This collection of 101 digitized manuscripts is also part of the Documenting the American South project. It covers the period from 1860 to 1920, focusing upon the experiences of common people. It gives rare insight into life in the South in the post-Civil War period. Secondary students and above. North American Slave Narratives: http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/ Upon completion, this component of the Documenting the American South project will include nearly 200 digitized manuscripts, providing comprehensive coverage of the writings of fugitive and former slaves who described their experience of slavery as well as the racism in the northern states. Secondary students and above. Jackson, John Andrew. The Experience of a Slave in South Carolina: http://docsouth.unc.edu/fpn/jackson/menu.html This page accesses the digitized version of one of the works included in the North American Slave Narratives collection. It will be of interest to readers seeking to understand the experience of slavery specifically in South Carolina. Secondary students and above. "All men & women are created equal" - Cover Page: April '99 American History Feature: http://www.historynet.com/all-men-women-are-created-equal-cover-page-april-99-american-history-feature.htm This pages provides a very readable biographical sketch of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and a description of the 1848 Seneca Fall Convention and its aftermath. The sites is especially of value to students seeking to understand this important early stage of the development of American feminism. However, other than establish connections to mid-19th century reformist movements and the impact of the Civil War, this page differs from the other in this listing in that it provides no description of Southern culture. American Memory - Front Door: http://memory.loc.gov/ This collection benefits from elegant design. It provides broadly diverse coverage of many aspects of hteAmericna culture of the 19th and 20th centuries. The few pages that focus upon the African-American experience seem of interest to more the specialist than the generalist. Annual Review of Sociology: http://soc.AnnualReviews.org/ This well-designed source allows readers to locate past and future articles (to be) published in the highly regarded annual review series. Relevant to this collection, keyword searches using inequality, race 4elations, and social change each result in a large number of "hits." However, the articles in the series are written mainly for readers with advanced training in sociology and related disciplines. Advanced undergraduates and above. U.S. historical census data: http://fisher.lib.virginia.edu/census/ This site provides access to census date describin family, race, slave status and related variables for each decade from 1790 to 1970 for the U.S., states, and counties. Fro the user seeking historical data covering these variable, this page is a treasure trove. Advanced secondary students and above. Manuscripts Division - South Carolina Council on Human Relations: http://www.sc.edu/library/socar/mnscrpts/scchr.html#Background This pages begins witha breif history of the Council and its earlier organizational iterations. The lists of documents and other materials seem likely to be of interest only to the experienced user. This source, however, includes several links to other collections that may be of broader interest. Undergraduate students and above. Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-1930: http://womhist.alexanderstreet.com/ This very well designed collection gives access to twenty "editorial projects" created by undergraduate and graduate students at SUNY-Binghamton. Within each project is a relatively short overview of the movement or social action, followed by a list of primary documents that are digitzed and accessed by clicking. Many of the documents are pamphlets of minutes of meetings. For the reader seeking information about women's movements of this historical period, this is a very valuable source. However, there appears to be no connection to Southern culture. One of the projects provides limited historical data concerning African-American women. |
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Copyright for the links page resides with Francis Marion
University, April, 2011